I'm probably not telling you anything new here, but Germany has palaces and castles galore. The most famous is, of course, Neuschwanstein, the fairytale castle built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria, who sadly died before it was completely finished.
But there are many more that are just as jaw-dropping. Like this gorgeous one - Weikersheim Palace and Gardens in Baden-Württemberg. A hidden gem if ever there was one.
You know what it's like, you inherit a castle, move in and after a while think, hmmm, this isn't my cup of tea at all. Just like any modern-day homeowner, Count Wolfgang of Hohenlohe wasn't totally happy with the look and feel of the place. The fixtures and furnishings were looking decidedly dated. Well, it was originally a 12th-century moated castle, so what do you expect? Anyway, in 1586, he decided what it needed was a lick of paint.
Now, we all know that once you start putting your stamp on a place it can sometimes turn into more than just a lick of paint, so it's not surprising that Wolfgang's attempts at DIY turned into a total reconstruction of the whole place, transforming it from something built in the Middle Ages into a Renaissance palace complete with sumptuous gardens. It became an ongoing project for his descendants and continued over the centuries.
These photos are just some of the amazing things you can find in this quirky place. There's literally something new around every corner. It's a fascinating place and well worth a visit, believe me. If you do go, take a guided tour as many of the unconventional features would be missed otherwise.
Also, take a stroll through the gardens and check out the orangery at the bottom. Apparently, Count Carl Ludwig of Hohenlohe (1674-1756) is to thank for this. And, one more thing, keep an eye out for the dwarves!
For more details on Weikersheim Palace, check out the homepage here: https://www.schloesser-und-gaerten.de/en/home
