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The English Translator
Feb 24, 20202 min read
Let me tell you a secret
On the whole, the British don’t like to complain. They’d prefer to rub a dirty knife on a napkin rather than ask the waiter to bring a ...

The English Translator
Feb 17, 20201 min read
Buxtehude Bürgerhaus (Burgher House)
The Bürgerhaus (Burgher House) is the oldest brick building in Buxtehude. There's no knowing its age for certain but it seems likely it...

The English Translator
Feb 10, 20201 min read
Buxtehuder Brauhaus
The old market hall and former brewery in Buxtehude was built in 1912/13. It used to brew two different types of beer - the Buxtehuder...

The English Translator
Feb 3, 20201 min read
Buxtehude gibt es wirklich!
A lot of people in Germany think that Buxtehude is a fictional place, especially those down south and are always quite surprised to find...
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